Sunday 5 May 2013

Nigeria at the bottom of world league table – Yet Again!!!

SPIThe new Social Progress Indexlaunched couple of weeks ago indicates Nigeria to be at the bottom of the league (the last but one) in terms of the extent to which countries provide for the social and environmental needs of their citizens.
The report’s findings for Nigeria make interesting reading:
“Of issues covered by the Basic Human Needs Dimension, Nigeria does best in areas including Shelter and has the greatest opportunity to improve human wellbeing by focusing more on Personal Safety. Of issues covered by the Social Infrastructure Dimension, Nigeria excels at providing building blocks for people’s lives such as Ecosystem Sustainability but would benefit from greater investment in Access to Basic Knowledge. Of issues covered by the Opportunity Dimension, Nigeria outperforms in providing opportunities for people to improve their position in society and scores highly in Equity and Inclusion yet falls short in Personal Freedom and Choice.”(
What a disgrace to see that our country’s Socio-economics policies are so shambolic that with all our rich natural resources even less wealthier Sub-Saharan African countries (such as Botswana,  Ghana, Senegal, Kenya, Rwanda, Mozambique) are providing better for the social and environmental needs of their citizens than our beloved country.
Why oh, Naija???!!!!!!
- Just An Observation
Baby Owl

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