Sunday 5 May 2013

Griping Images of Bangladeshi Textile factory collapses. Killing at least 96 people

article-2313974-197512CB000005DC-376_964x637An eight-storey building housing several garment factories collapsed this morning in Bangladesh, killing at least 96 people and trapping many more in the rubble.
Rescuers tied sheets of fabric to upper floors of the wreckage so those inside could climb or slide down and escape.
Fire fighters and army personnel worked frantically through the morning at the Rana Plaza building in Savar, 30 km (19 miles) outside Dhaka, to rescue people trapped inside.
An official at a control room set up to provide information about the missing and injured said more than 700 people were injured.
article-2313974-197578EF000005DC-365_470x669The collapse happened about 8:30 a.m. and since garment factories in the area routinely work 24 hours a day, it appeared likely that the five factories housed in the building were staffed at the time.
The website of a company called New Wave, which had two factories in the building, listed Primark, Matalan, Mango and Benetton among its customers.
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