Sunday 5 May 2013

WHAT’S WRONG WITH US? – Okey Bakassi

I agree with this. And I hope it Prompts us to achieve its needed purpose, for a better world!

Tune to any Television Channel, u will be sure to see an act of violence being committed some where in the world…..very sad.
No where in the world is safe. The more advanced the country, the more sophisticated the Terror. The lesser developed, the  cruder the act of wickedness.
What has happened to mankind? Politicians, Business tycoons and Religious Leaders have gone into massive accumulation of wealth as if it can guarantee their safety.
It appears the advancements in technology has made us less humans and more ‘Mechanical’.
We have thousands of fans, friends and followers on social media and no true friends on  our street. We don’t even know much about our next door neighbours.
The world needs genuine PEACE and LOVE.

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