Sunday 5 May 2013

Joke:Hon Obahiagbon,Patience,etc, tells us why d Chicken crossed the road!

Chicken crossed the roadQuestion: “Why did the Chicken Cross The Road?”
We don’t really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not.The chicken is either against us or for us.There is no middle ground here.
I have just witnessed eChicken2012 which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your checkbook; internet explorer is an integral part of eChicken.
I have a dream… and envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without having their motives called into question.
I guess it’s a manifestation of our transformation agenda for fresh air. Meanwhile, we’ll set up a committee to look into that and probably grant the chicken amnesty.
u see,i don’t knew why the chicken wil behaviourance like that,the only things i can said is that the chicken can be an prostitute
Why wont the chicken cross the road? When there is no light in her house. No fuel in her car!No food in her stomach! No job to do! Armed robbers are after her eggs, the schools are closed,….. ….why wont it cross to the other side?
The question strikes to mind a perpendicularity of oblivious occurrences. The rationale for the crawling species of the hen folk for advancing across the Broadway to the obvious greener side, portray a phantasmagoric allegory in my homosapious mind, that there is a reason. The metaphoric proposition may be that it is going to cast its vote for Fresh Democratic Party and hence justifying it subconscious mind that she has done her civil biddings.
NSCDC Lagos State Commandant:
The reason the chicken crossed the road is only going to remain known by my oga at d top,I cannot categorically tell you the reason why the chicken crossed the road now and my oga will tell you another reason later

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