Sunday 5 May 2013

For The Future Stability Of The Nation, Nigerian Unemployed Youths Threaten Action For The FG To Come To Their Senses: Forget Amnesty for Boko Haram…Otherwise!!!

Members-of-Boko-HaramInteresting and encouraging developments are brewing in our dear country: Youths taking a stance against government policies which will affect the future stability of our country.
On one hand the FG is ignoring the desperate state of the nation’s unemployed youths who are frustratingly seeking out opportunities  in a civil manner whilst on the other hand it is readily prepared to dish out tons of money to those seeking to violently disrupt our civil lives and profit from it.
What does this say of the FG’s policies? That violence is what brings food to the table and you can profit from it?
Do our politicians really seat down to deliberate and consider the long term implications of their policies?
Do they have to be threatened by the people they are meant to serve before they come to their senses?
These Baby Owl’s Just An Observation comments based around the issues that comes to mind whilst reading the Unemployed Youths Urge FG to Forget Amnesty for Boko Haram article.
Do you hold similar or a different view on this issue?
Excerpt from the article:

Barely 24 hours after President Goodluck inaugurated a 25-man committee to work towards disarming members of the Boko Haram sect and granting them amnesty, thousands of unemployed youths have asked the Federal Government to jettison the idea or risk their wrath.
Although the angry youths drawn from the 774 local government areas of the country, did not say what the form of their action would be, their leader who gave his name as Okey Felix Nwachukwu, warned that they would take steps to compel the government to address their plight.
The youths, who converged in Abuja, yesterday, described the attempt by the government to dialogue and settle violent groups in the country as a step in the wrong direction capable of truncating the fragile peace in the country.
Acting under the aegis of Group of Unemployed Nigerians from the 774 LGAs of the country, GUN774, the group said it was fed up with the lackadaisical attitude of the government towards the unemployed despite the huge resources accruing to the administration in recent years.

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