Sunday 5 May 2013

Ban Ki-moon (UN Sec. Gen) Labels Nigeria As A Violent Country

ban_ki-moon_portraitShould the recent incidents of violence befalling our beloved nation warrant the UN to label us as being violent?
My people the Nigeria brand is under attack yet again, oh!!!!!
Please read the Ki-Moon, Help Nigeria article and don’t forget to air your views and comments!!!
…It is very very important that we rally round our nation’s brand image….Who else would? Our Ogas in government just don’t care!!!!
Extracts from the article:

The reported massacre of over 200 people overnight at Baga in Borno State, last weekend, must have forced United Nations secretary-general Mr Ban Ki-moon to make a statement in anger: he dismissed Nigeria as a violent country, citing frequent killings fuelled by sectarian motives.
Nobody would fail to marvel at the cheapness of life in Nigeria, especially in recent times. However, the top diplomat should not have lost his temper to the extent that he could not differentiate between the minority murderers and the majority decent people living in this same country. Nigeria cannot be classified as a violent country yet.
Out of the 36 states and a capital city in the country, fewer than nine states are beset by the problems Ki-moon observed. The truth is that those saddled with providing security of life and property for Nigerians have failed in their duty.
Besides, these cases of violence – terrorist attacks, kidnapping, armed robbery, communal clashes and the like – are not peculiar to the country. The whole world today is almost on tenterhooks as a result of crisis situations that are threatening peaceful co-existence. The Korean Peninsula, the home region of the UN scribe, is not spared this unfortunate development. As a matter of fact, the world is holding its breath as the two Koreas square up in a deadly arms race.

- Just An Observation
Baby Owl

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